Good day, fellow Alchemists:
One of the main principles in hermetic wisdom is the fact that everything in the Universe is in motion. This principle is no longer just a concept in spirituality, but in science as well. We are only now discovering through research into String Theory that all matter in the Universe consists of one-dimensional vibrating strings.
A good way to imagine this is: if those one-dimensional strings were the strings of a violin, the matter that is manifested would be like the music that is played on the violin.
That may be too simplistic of a comparison, but from this perspective, it is easy to understand how physical matter is an expression of vibrations. As we have learned through studying sacred geometry and the flower of life pattern, life unfolds in an exquisite manner that is moving perpetually towards perfection. The source of this movement is the frequency on which a particular life-form or non-living object vibrates.
Everything vibrates at its own unique signature, creating separation within the different dimensions. An interesting application of this research is through the study of consciousness and its effect on physical matter.
Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted an experiment showing how human intentions can change water molecules simply by exposing them to certain words. Water that was exposed to loving and gentle words had molecules that were aesthetically pleasing, while also resembling variations of the flower of life. The water that was given nothing but insults and words of disgust formed molecules that were chaotic and unrecognizable as safe drinking water.
Many people have tried to recreate Dr. Emoto's work, some with great success, others to no avail. Of course, the very act of projecting intentions onto the work you are doing may have an effect on the experiment, which could explain the varying results.
During Emoto's experiments, they also tested Buddhist prayers on contaminated water and found it had a cleansing effect. This fact alone gives new meaning to saying grace or blessing one's food before eating and why it's so prevalent in just about every culture.
All animals have an innate knowing of the vibratory nature of reality; this is clearly seen by the existence of language and our obsession with music. We are unconsciously seeking healing and purification through the use of vibrations. What is important to note is that humans are about 70% water and so is the earth.
Imagine the change that can happen overnight to both our bodies and the planet if we learned to properly harness the power of vibrations.
By purifying our intentions we can align ourselves to perfection; allowing us to maintain health, happiness, and inner equanimity.
With love and sincerity,
The Alchemy by LA Counsel