Good day, fellow Alchemists:
Food is a fascination that goes beyond the simple need to satiate oneself. It is a work of art that brings people closer together. It pervades every facet of our culture and holds the root of our history through our shared recipes. For humans, eating is more than just an act of survival. It is an expression of our souls. Anyone who has eaten at their grandparents' house recently can attest that food can even be a way to share our love with one another.
It is believed that food is also our greatest medicine. That being said, did you know that some of the most common food we eat actually is medicine? Things we use as a seasoning, like onions and garlic are natural medicines that many healers would prescribe to patients dealing with specific ailments.
This is an important point made by yogis, who believe that the only true diet should not be concerned about calories or nutritional value, but with how much prana is contained within the food we eat. In a society where we are not only obsessed with food but also with being healthy, we are often misguided as to what should and shouldn't be eaten as part of a regular diet. The guideline to yogic eating is split into three different categories, positive pranic food, negative pranic food, and zero pranic food.
Positive pranic foods are foods that increase the amount of prana, or life force, in the body.
By eating more positive pranic foods, we can accumulate energy in our system and increase our connection with our senses. It can even help avoid serious health issues that occur in old age.
A simple list of positive pranic foods would be:
Winter melon
Nuts and seeds
Raw and dried fruits
Ripe vegetables
Sprouted green grams
Whole grains
Negative pranic foods decrease the amount of prana in the body.
Onions and garlic are just two examples of negative pranic food that is so common in the average diet. Negative pranic foods are also not limited to what you eat but can include anything you put into your body, like alcohol, tobacco, and coffee. Anything that affects your nervous system can be considered a negative pranic food, which is why many yogis are abstinent.
Here is a list of negative pranic foods:
Asafoetida (Hing)
Chili peppers
other stimulants and intoxicants
This list may look daunting at first, but keep in mind that many other foods, like potatoes and tomatoes, are simply zero pranic food, meaning they don't increase or decrease prana in the body.
Staying fully committed to this diet would be most beneficial, but simply decreasing the amount of negative pranic foods you eat can help revitalize the body and bring you closer to natural living. It's time to let go of old ways of thinking about diet and free ourselves of burdens like calorie counting. Your body is intelligent and will notify you if it likes what you have fed it. The way you feel, whether it is good or bad, is directly related to the foods you put into your body.
Feed your body like you're feeding your soul. Let it be happy and carry you through your journey on this planet with all the vigor and vitality it was meant to have.
With love and sincerity,
The Alchemy by LA Counsel